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时间:2017-05-02 15:22:12 来源:本站原创 作者: 阅读:

报告题目1Polynomial Poisson Algebras Associated to Bruhat Cell Decomposition on Flag Varieties

  :于世卓 博士

报告时间201753日(周三)下午 15:0016:00


报告摘要We give a Poisson geometric interpretation of certain maps introduced by Knutson, Woo, and Yong in their work relating singularities of Richardson varieties and of Schubert varieties in flag varieties of a complex semisimple Lie group G. The KWY maps give rise to an atlas on the flag variety G/B of Borel subgroups of G, with one affine coordinate chart for each element in the Weyl group W of G. In each of these coordinate charts, we give explicit formulas for the quotient standard Poisson structures on G/B. The result gives a covering of G/B by Poisson CGLs.


报告题目2Linear inviscid damping and vorticity depletion for shear flows

报告人  章志飞  教授



报告摘要In this paper, we prove the linear damping for the 2-D Euler equations around a class of shear flows under the assumption that the linearized operator has no embedding eigenvalues. For the symmetric flows, we obtain the explicit decay estimates of the velocity, which is the same as one for monotone shear flows. We confirm a new dynamical phenomena found by Bouchet and Morita: the depletion of the vorticity at the stationary streamlines, which could be viewed as a new mechanism leading to the damping for the base flows with stationary streamlines.






供 稿 人:佚名 发 布 人:科研处 审 核 人:JRQ1964
供稿时间:2017-5-2 15:22:12 发布时间:2017-5-2 15:22:12 审核时间:2017-5-2 15:22:12